Optional OBD2 GPS Tracking Accessories

FMM13A OBD series GPS TRACKEROptional OBD2 GPS Tracking Accessories can be the answer to your problem you think you may have using an OBD2 solution.

  • They allow you easy access to the diagnostic without disconnecting the tracking device. Your vehicle Technician does not have to unplug your OBD2 device to conduct an engine diagnostic test. This also means he will not forget to plug your OBD2 GPS TRACKER back in after the diagnostics test has been completed. Also, disconnecting and reconnecting leaves  opportunity  for damaging the pins on the device which could make it inoperable. This type of damage is not covered by warranty.
  • Utilizing one of our Optional OBD2 GPS Tracking Accessories can negate the occasional problem of the driver hitting the obd2 device by accident with their foot which can disconnect the unit form the port.
  • Our Optional OBD2 GPS Tracking Accessories also make it much more difficult for an observer to even know there is a tracking device installed as it is out of sight..


Optional OBD2 Accessories available for your vehicle:

#1: FLOW-THRU Extension

obd11 flow thru gps cable


Simply plug in the Extension to the front of the OBD2 port and attach your OBD2 Tracking device to the other end where you can mount it under the dash area. Simple- Easy to install and  only $19.99




#2: Y-Connection Extension:

For a more hidden application, utilize our Y-CONNECTOR Extension.

This application is vehicle make and model specific as it replaces the stock port in the vehicle.

The PURPLE OBD2 connection your see in the picture replaces the STOCK port in the receiver mounting in your vehicle. The other ports on the extension plug into the your GPS Tracker and the original OBD data line in the vehicle.

Everything  is out of sight – out of temptation – out of mind and your OBD2 port is still available for diagnostics.

Y-connector extension , depending on the vehicle make ad model- $19.99 – $35.99




#3: J-1939 or  J-1708 




For HEAVY- DUTY and Tractor Trucks-

You can utilize the J-1939 or other adaptor – extensions depending on the application- vehicle and type.

J-19 and J-17 style male  to female plus OBD2 adaptors- $35.99- $49.99

Single end male to OBD2 are less- Please ask.