
  • No Set up Fee
  • No Contracts
  • No Cancellation Fee – (30 day written notice is required).
  • 1 year warranty on hardware
  • Life time Warranty available for additional fee

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Effective December 1, 2021:

  • Dishonoured payment for your TRACKING PLAN by cheque or credit card  will result in the same additional fee being charged ($25.00) if rectified within 48 hrs.
  • If the payment is not rectified within 48 hrs, an account may be suspended and a re-activation fee of $50.00 may apply.
  • Late Payment for any service by ETF may be subject to deactivation after 7 days and a reactivation fee ($50.00) may be charged.

Billing for tracking plans policies:

  • Month to month (recurring billing) through a Valid Visa, MasterCard or  Amex card.
  • Customer may also pre-pay in 6 or 12 month increments by  company cheque.
  • Some customers have opted to utilize EFT. That is acceptable but we ask that you submit your EFT on time (on or before the due date).
  • Discounts for tracking plans may be available upon request for 6 month or 1 year.
  • We do not provide refunds if a pre-payment is cancelled.
  • All pricing is in Canadian dollars plus applicable taxes. 12% – (Gst and PST) on hardware and tracking services.
  • We do not charge a TERMINATION fee but do request / require in writing, 30 days notice. As we pre-pay your data, less than 30 days notice may incur another month of fees charged to your on file credit card.


Until the end of February, 2022, we provided  MONTHLY Statements of Account  to all business customers no matter how many units they had on their platform.  Due to the time required and the additional cost to GPS TRACKING CENTRE for this service, effective March 1, 2022, a monthly STATEMENT of ACCOUNT will be provided for accounts that have more than 4 units on a month to month tracking plan.

Less than 4 unit  BUSINESS customers may also obtain such a STATEMENT each month but a request via email is required. before your next recurring cycle.


GPS TRACKING CENTRE and Golden West Investigative Group Ltd. deny and hold themselves harmless from how the end-user uses the hardware and tracking solutions.

It is the end-user’s responsibility to check the laws and regulations pertaining to the use of GPS TRACKING .

Upon placing an order for hardware and / tracking plans, the end-user accepts all policies stated herein.