Pro-Active Stolen Vehicles and Assets Solutions
Recently, we joined a Facebook group that is out of Province. They appeared to either :
A– have a lot of Vehicle and other Theft activity in the Province or –
B– They have a well organized following with a lot of members.
We decided it was B because they had a very large membership in the group that is active in announcing the theft(s) and provide a lot of details that can be shared. Such a well organized group can and will make an impact on recovery of the stolen asset(s)
One of the things we did notice was the lack of Pro-Active conversation in the Group. They were all announcing their Stolen Vehicles and Assets (re-active) and nothing was being said about measures taken to SLOW DOWN THE THEFT or Assist in a Speedy Recovery.
Soooo.. we joined the group and began to post with what we thought was helpful suggestions. Of course, as we are a business, it is natural for us to offer what we have at the same time.
There were a few responses in the group and in Private Message where the LEVEL HEADED were asking pertinent questions. The ones that asked in the group received a group response as the information was intended to be of help to all. This information included types of GPS equipment that was suitable for each scenario and why. (and of course- mentioning what we had to offer if they were interested).
So far.. pretty good sharing- Right? Well… not for long.. A few (we will call them the do not understand) members with a different point of view began to post very negative comments.
No problem- Free Speech- To each their point of view…………UNTIL..they start telling me how to run my business and types of percentage discount offerings I should be making to the group. I am Sorry.. it is MY BUSINESS and if I chose to offer a discount (to a REAL customer) I will but I will NOT be told what I have to do. If it is was in the RULES of the group – Fine- but- it is not.
A private conversation was then attempted with one of the group –do not understand– members and his lack of listening was evident in his response to reaching out to explain our motive. We had even pointed out a few helpful hints about what to look for from ANY PROVIDER.
So be it.. his choice to take the I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU attitude.
So far.. showing a thicker skin than normal and choosing the HIGH road of not responding to other NEGATIVE responses in the group (a mob mentality was forming) we sat back and watched. It quickly became evident that this group would have no part of receiving helpful PRO-ACTIVE help. So what should I do? Simple- Leave the group and let them keep posting their RE-ACTIVE posts of HELP- MY ?? WAS STOLEN.
One would think that leaving the group to carry on as they did before would be the end of it.. Right? Nooooooooooooooo.. they carried on with open group comments suggesting that they should start calling me in mass asking questions that were not pertinent to resolving their Problems.
Why would they start calling? Because they saw my telephone number in a post.
Further, they said we did not have a web site. Hmmm.. I guess they only read what they wanted to read. Our company name was mentioned in posts and anyone with minimal skills can look that up and see we are LEGIT and have a web site full of helpful information.
Bottom line- Sometimes you can offer help and suggestions to a group that, but if they do not want the help without telling you how to run your business, you have to move on- As we did.
To the Members of the STOLEN VEHICLES group in another province, we wish you all luck in recovering your stolen assets. Groups like yours with a large following can have a positive effect as multiple eyes out there can enhance your chances of it being found.
Where we disagree is.. the group is REACTIVE and our thought is to be Pro-Active. To stop or slow down the STOLEN VEHICLE and ASSETS PROBLEM, take measures to protect your vehicles and assets.
Last time we try to help the ungrateful few (do not understand) and will continue to help those that appreciate it.
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