I can use my Apple Air Tag or Samsung SmartTag to track my vehicles for free so why pay for a tracking platform?

We hear this all the time and in some cases, they may be correct but are they looking at the BIG picture.. likely not.

The best way to decide  what is best for your application may be to analyze the differences and benefits of utilizing  our GPS tracking system v Apple Air tag v Samsung SmartTag solutions.

From our experience, they all have their own benefits but it really comes down to what your expectations are and what will look after your needs.

The Apple Air Tag system and Samsung SmartTag systems utilize a Blue Tooth or BLE system to send their location via others devices in their proximity.

This might sound great at the onset but you have to keep in mind, there are a few caveats  to be considered.

First, let’s look at the Apple Air Tag, it will only communicate via other Apple Phones in the area ( usually within 120 meters or less.) If there are not any Apply phone for it to connect to and use for the update, you will only get the last known location. If you need other data such as speed, geo-fence and others valuable pieces of information, this is not for you.

Second, let us look  at the Samsung SmartTag. It will work with Galaxy devices only. The range of connectivity is about the same as the IOS devices and again, if you want / need that additional data, the Samsung SmartTag is not the going to fit your requirements.

We even looked at what others have found in their testing of all three devices and came up with the same conclusions.- It all depends on what you need and expect. Simple location- use the Apple Air Tag System or Samsung SmartTag system.( like others- we found the Samsung SmartTag better).

Third, we will look at the GPS TRACKING system you get by utilizing an installed LTE- 4G  or soon to be available- 5G GPS TRACKING device that comes with a platform that will provide all the additional information you need. Yes, this is the more expensive of the 3 types of devices but you get what you pay for.

If you are in business and not ONLY focused on ASSET PROTECTION,  that this third option is the one for you. It is usually much more accurate  than the other two and provided  building blocks that can and will save on fuel- enhance customer services- reduce overtime – assist with  billing an d much much more for less than a dollar a day for the plan per device.

If you want: Speed- Route data- Geo-Fence- Multiple Alerts, saved data for up to a year- and much more- Look at a good GPS TRACKING system.

A good video to learn more is located  HERE

Want to know more? Don’t be Shy.. Give us a call- 604-318-8545 or send an email  info@gpstrackingcentre.ca

#gpstracking , samsungsmarttag, #appleairtag