Many companies allow their employees to take the work vehicle home and use them for personal use.

The problem that the employer has is how to separate the work mileage from the pleasure when claiming on their company tax returns.

In the PRE- GPS TRACKING era, we used to write down the mileage and use in a book. These LOG BOOKS were not always up to date and could easily be doctored. This meant that they basically were not an accuate accounting / log of the vehicle use.

GPS TRACKING CENTRE now has the answer. We have added another report function to our ever growing REPORTS list.

2016- Welcome in the “WORKING HOURS SUMMARY” report.

In this report section, you can pre-set the work days and hours. Anything else is Personal time.

In the report that is generated, you will get WORKING TIME and Mileage and NON WORKING TIME and Mileage, all broken down into each day of the week.

We have enclosed a screen shot of the report information that you will see:


Report Type:

For Vehicles & Mobile AssetsFor Vehicle & Mobile Assets


Working Hours Summary ReportWorking details report

Date range: Generate Report

Working Hours Summary Report: LMU-327 Demo, ESN: 012605000334153, Date: 2016/5/24 – 2016/5/31

Date Working Engine On Time Non Working Engine On Time Working Distance Driven Non Working Distance Driven
24 May 2016 (Tue) 02 Hrs 14 Mins 01 Hrs 41 Mins 81.92 km 38.96 km
25 May 2016 (Wed) 49 Mins 01 Hrs 52 Mins 28.30 km 63.75 km
26 May 2016 (Thu) 03 Hrs 23 Mins 26 Mins 145.31 km 11.21 km
27 May 2016 (Fri) 03 Hrs 08 Mins 02 Hrs 18 Mins 90.46 km 89.69 km
28 May 2016 (Sat) 00 Min 02 Hrs 36 Mins 0.00 km 100.11 km
29 May 2016 (Sun) 00 Min 00 Min 0.00 km 0.00 km
30 May 2016 (Mon) 02 Hrs 25 Mins 01 Hrs 34 Mins 91.79 km 63.66 km
31 May 2016 (Tue) 48 Mins 00 Min 17.16 km 0.00 km
Total Working Engine On Time Non Working Engine On Time Working Distance Driven Non Working Distance Driven
12 Hrs 47 Mins 10 Hrs 27 Mins 454.95 km 367.37 km
Ratio On Time Ratio Off Time Ratio On Distance Ratio Off Distance
55 % 45 % 55 % 45 %

All reports can be downloaded  as PDF or Excel files for your records.

These are records the TAX MAN cannot question as you did not have an HAND in creating them. Our GPS TRACKING SYSTEM and our WORKING HOURS SUMMARY did it all for you.

  • Self employed and need to recoup travel expense? This report is perfect for you too and makes life so much easier for your accountant at year end. This is especially helpful for charging out to your own company to recoup expense from your own pocket.

Give us a call at GPS TRACKING CENTRE – 604-318-8545 or email us